What sets us apart

Our Mission

CPMD’s role is firstly, to provide and equip all finance and property professionals with up-to-date and hands-on knowledge. Secondly, to provide all professionals with management and soft skills that they can apply in the workplace. Thirdly, to provide consumers with information to make important life decisions.

This service we must render to the best of our ability and at the highest level possible. In the process we aspire to become the most successful property and finance training institution in Southern Africa; by attaining the highest market share in the industry, and training more delegates than any other property training institution.

Our Vision

CPMD aspires to be recognized as the leading trainer in property and finance, and other relevant work skills, to organisations and individuals in trade and industry. To be acknowledged as an organisation that can offer customized training and consulting to suit every client’s requirements. To ensure the quality of our tuition is the benchmark.


Business Offering

Our Business is driven by the following elements:

  • Specialist expertise and resources
  • A wide spectrum of courses
  • A variety of training and other services
  • Unique and tailor-made programmes
  • Personalised and customized service
  • A flexible approach
  • Matching individual business requirements
  • Designing programmes of high-quality
  • Needs driven on demand courses
  • Professional qualified staff
  • Providing learners with valuable skills
  • Post programme follow-ups
  • Building relationships with learners and clients
  • A small business hands-on approach
  • SETA, FASSET, AAT, EAAB/FETC Real Estate, Pastel Payroll Accredited.

Our legally trained staff members, who are also property experts, offer consulting and mediation or arbitration in property disputes.


  • CPMD offers a comprehensive range of property programmes covering every aspect of the industry. About 12 programmes are offered in this field, from the Estate Agents Board Course to Property Management and Investment.
  • CPMD is also a provider for AAT in South Africa, a professional accounting programme that is based in the UK, offering practical tuition for accounting technicians and professionals.
  • CPMD does however offer expertise in various other disciplines, such as finance. Programmes include all aspects of finance from Personal Financial Management and Business Maths for Managers to Corporate Finance and Investment.
  • CPMD offers programmes in various other Management Disciplines, such as Project Management and Marketing.
  • CPMD is also a specialist in Public Sector property, finance, management and consumer education.
  • CPMD has various partners with which the organisation is able to offer soft skill training, such as customer service and communications, as part of the holistic package.
  • CPMD offers its clients flexibility, by designing corporate programmes that are specifically created to suit their needs.
  • CPMD consults to organisations in its specialist fields and Graeme Jay (MD) is registered with the Estate Agents Board to handle mediation and arbitration of property disputes.

Areas of Expertise

One of CPMD’s focuses is property – and all aspects of this multi-faceted industry. We train everyone from estate agents and property managers to homeloans consultants, developers and private investors.The spectrum of our expertise extends beyond this, offering training and other specialist services in finance and accounting, and management disciplines. We train staff at all levels from semi-literate to senior management, in large corporate companies, small businesses as well as government.


Public Sector (government) training is one of CPMD’s core competencies, and the college has become a leader in social housing and consumer education programmes. In association with one of its strategic partners, CPMD is able to offer its clients the necessary soft skills training as an added benefit.

Some of our clients include: