PDE (Exam) Workshop Registration

PDE (Exam Preparation) NQF4 Workshop Registration

Please note that this is a part-registration. We will be in touch with any further requirements needed to commence with the course.


R1 750 incl. VAT

Candidate Details

Please pay fees into the following account:

Bank: Nedbank

Branch: Campus Square

Branch no: 158105

Account no: 1581 085 834

Account Holder: CPMD

Your reference: NB: Please use your name and surname as reference of payment

Proof of payment to be emailed to: info@cpmd.co.za or faxed to 011 728-7228

Payment must be made at least 72 hours prior to the course commencing.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood CPMD’s terms and conditions of enrolment as contained in CPMD’s prospectus. I agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. I further declare that the information furnished above is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge: *


1. Individual learners are required to fill in the registration form, available online, electronically or by fax, to reserve a place on ANY of CPMD’s public courses. This rule also applies to companies sending more than one learner on any course. Even if a bulk payment has or will be made, a separate form for each learner is required. 2. Tax invoices will be issued by CPMD on request. 3. Under no circumstances will learners be able to attend ANY of CPMD’s public courses unless payment is received prior to course commencement, i.e. by close of business the previous day. 4. CPMD is registered for VAT, therefore all prices quoted are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. 5. In order to verify payment, a copy of the direct deposit slip or electronic payment slip must be faxed through to CPMD prior to course commencement. 6. Learners will be allowed to pay by cheque or cash during registration on the first day the course commences only by special arrangement with CPMD. 7. A learner’s place will only be confirmed for the course registered, on receipt of payment in full or the deposit required, depending upon which course the learner has registered for. 8. A refund of 75% of course fees paid by the learner will be given if attendance at the course is cancelled at least 15 working days prior to the course commencing. 9. A refund of 50% of course fees paid by the learner will be given if attendance at the course is cancelled at least 5 working days prior to the course commencing. 10. A learner is responsible for the full course fee once the course has commenced. 11. CPMD reserves the right to cancel any programme. Should it become necessary to do so, then learners will be given a full refund. 12. Invoices for course fees not paid by the due date will attract interest at the rate of 15.5% per annum compounded monthly a temporae mora. 13. The learner agrees that should legal proceedings be instituted for the recovery of any amount outstanding, the learner will pay all costs of the proceedings incurred by CPMD including but not limited to all legal fees on an attorney and own client basis. 14. The learner consents in terms of Section 45 of the Magistrates Court Act of 1944 to the jurisdiction of any Magistrates Court having jurisdiction over the learner. 15. Attendance on the short course programmes only, may be postponed if CPMD is notified at least 24 hours prior to the relevant course commencing. 16. Requests for refunds and postponements of courses that do not fall within CPMD’s policy outlined in Clauses 8 to 11 above will be at the sole discretion of CPMD’s management. 17. Professional fees may in certain instances be included in the course fees and will be paid for by CPMD on behalf of the learner. It is however the learners responsibility to ensure that the professional fees are paid timeously and that the learner is registered with the relevant body. 18. Most of CPMD’s public courses are conducted at CPMD’s premises. However, course venues may be subject to change. Learners will be notified timeously. 19. While CPMD will endeavour to ensure the safety of learners’ property and their health and wellbeing while attending any one of its courses, CPMD will not be held liable for any loss or damage to personal belongings and the health and safety of learners caused by any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to, the negligence or omission of any of CPMD’s owners, management, employees or its agents. 20. Beverages and lunch are provided as indicated. It is the learner’s responsibility to bring any special dietary requirements to the attention of CPMD on registration. 21. Learners may enquire about bulk booking discounts. Bulk booking discounts will usually be given to organizations that send 4 or more learners on any one particular course on any one particular date; or one learner attending four or more courses within a 12-month cycle. 22. CPMD will not provide any training material to a learner prior to the course commencing. Relevant material is provided on the day the course / module commences. Material cannot be bought independent of the course / module concerned, attendance is required in order to receive training material. 23. These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.